Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Community Group Support - ACP Ltd Mission Statement

UPDATED: 19/01/12

Community Group Support
ACP Ltd Mission Statement

With the company based and having ties in Havering for a lifetime, it is without doubt this family business has always understood the need and importance of local community, our commitment is deep rooted.

With the consequences of global warming and climate change becoming ever clearer, we believe it's imperative for us to help understand, preserve and understand our impact on the environment.

Our staff are passionate about understanding the natural world and combating the exploitation of our green spaces. We believe local business has a key role to play here, and it was decided that it was up to us to help make a difference. "A.C. Preou Limited were to be an integral part of this".

We were delighted when Julia took our ideals a step further. Since the birth of her children it became clear as to how we could help. We understand the benefits of a safe and clean environment and of its importance to our children's development. To ensure they have a safe, fun, clean green space, which they can explore, learn to appreciate nature and the natural world and, understand the role they can play in preserving our planet.

In November 2004 Julia created a Wish List for her children's favourite park, and invited all local residents to attend the first meeting of what was to become a strong and committed Friends Group. Achieving the high expectations of the Wish List proved to be an humongous task, but the volunteer's efforts have paid off. The formation of the Friends Group proved to be the catalyst in leading the way to the Refurbishment and Regeneration of Raphael Park.

The support and sponsorship that A.C.Preou Limted provide, enables the Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks to;

- promote the importance of the parks and their natural environment and eco-systems, thereby ensuring the maintenance of the park and its facilities
- ensure the parks facilities remain in tact for the whole community
- promote the park by organising the Raphael Park annual Summer Event. Our office staff happily volunteer their time to help out during the run up to, and on the day
- be part of the project management team preparing the application to Heritage Lottery and overseeing the community interests in the £2,663,365.00, Park Regeneration Works, which the London Borough of Havering were awarded funding in July 2011
- project manage the Lake Regeneration works. Funding was awarded to the Friends Group by the Environment Agency in May 2011
- liaison between the community and local authority (meetings during working hours)
- we also provide a meeting room, office machinery facilities, stationery and company vehicles

A.C.Preou Limited are making a real difference to the community in the support they provide. "We have a long term commitment to helping, supporting and being part of The Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks." Arthur Preou, Director.

We thank you for taking the time to read our mission and would urge you to support the Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Park by visiting their website and becoming a Friend.

"Preou, helping Havering be a better place"

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