Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Nick Butterworth's - Percy's Park - Raphaels Park 1988

From The Friends Of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks

As you may be aware, world famous author Nick Butterworth was inspired to write his wonderful series of books entitled ' Percy's Park' after one morning peeking into the park keepers hut in Raphael Park back in 1988! Later Nick's wife Annette was also inspired to write her wonderful series of stories 'Jake in Trouble' from many dog walks taken in Raphael's Park. All the fabulous illustrations for these books were created by Nick.

How very lucky we are, our many thanks to Nick and Annette for all their help and encouragement with our Fun Day.

We have recently been discussing with Nick & Annette plans to sell personally signed Percy's Park & Jake in Trouble books from our website, this exciting new facility will raise valuable funding for our Friends Group which will enable us to host more exciting family fun days and concerts from our bandstand.

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