Friday, 19 September 2008

Work on lake edging has begun

Updated: 08/10/08 - We have been advised that the newest part of the lake edge and an extra 50 meters are to be removed and replaced. The works will take the best part of the Autumn and Havering have apologised for any inconvenience caused. We have asked that the rubbish be removed from the Lake whilst the water level is low, Grounds Maintenance have removed most of the large items dumped in the lake, however we are looking for Volunteers to help us clear the area near the silt trap which is chocked with debris, please text Julia on 07799 116110 or log onto our website and email me We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Work has now started on the refurbishment of the lake edging at Raphael Park. We will keep you posted with developments.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Nick Butterworth's - Percy's Park - Raphaels Park 1988

From The Friends Of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks

As you may be aware, world famous author Nick Butterworth was inspired to write his wonderful series of books entitled ' Percy's Park' after one morning peeking into the park keepers hut in Raphael Park back in 1988! Later Nick's wife Annette was also inspired to write her wonderful series of stories 'Jake in Trouble' from many dog walks taken in Raphael's Park. All the fabulous illustrations for these books were created by Nick.

How very lucky we are, our many thanks to Nick and Annette for all their help and encouragement with our Fun Day.

We have recently been discussing with Nick & Annette plans to sell personally signed Percy's Park & Jake in Trouble books from our website, this exciting new facility will raise valuable funding for our Friends Group which will enable us to host more exciting family fun days and concerts from our bandstand.

Raphaels Park, lake edging remedial works - October 2008

We have today received notice that the lake edgings are to be replaced in the not too distant future. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us via email, and we will pass on to Havering Parks Services on your behalf.
We have been assured that all fish will remain in the lake, there is no plan to remove them as far as we are aware. We would be very grateful if lakeside residents can keep us informed of any such actions and welcome any comments you may have regarding this matter.
In the coming week all residents should receive a copy of the foregoing letter, published by Havering Parks Services, Don Stewart, Interim Parks Project Manager;

The Occupier

Dear Sir/Madam

Raphael Park, Romford – Stabilisation of Lakeside Revetments and Footpath

You may be aware that the ongoing deterioration of the lakeside walk at Raphael Park. In order to restore this popular amenity to a stable condition it is necessary to carry out remedial works as soon as possible. These works are due to start later this week and it is anticipated that they will be completed in approximately 12 weeks.

The works will entail the installation of new sheet piling and a series of edging beams. It is inevitable that some disturbance will be caused particularly during pile driving operations. However our contractor will be required to minimise as far as is practicable the level and duration of any noise and to ensure compliance with statutory requirements at all times. The council has been liaising with the Environment Agency regarding the project.

I also wish to inform you that it will be necessary to lower the level of the lake to enable the works to take place and that parts of the footpath will be closed during the project for health and safety reasons.

In view of the proximity of your premises to these works I am writing to apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused and to thank you in advance for your cooperation in this connection.

Yours sincerely,

Don Stewart

Interim Parks Projects Manager

Quiz Night Saturday 13th September 2008 - Loads of Fun!

On Saturday 13th September, we hosted our second quiz night at The Romford Bowling Club. A great night was had by all! The winners collected a bottle of wine each and many raffle prizes were won throughout the evening. Our many thanks to you all for joining in the fun, our many thanks to Vicki for arranging our hire of the excellent venue and finally our thanks to all those who donated the wonderful raffle prizes. We look forward to hosting a Spring and Autumn Quiz Night for 2009, and look forward to welcoming you there.

Lodge Farm Park Awarded Green Flag 2008

We are delighted to confirm that through the support of the Friends of Raphael and Lodge Farm Park, the Safer Neighbourhood Team, the Local Community, the Grounds Maintenance Team and Havering Parks Services, that Lodge Farm Park has been awarded the Green Flag! This is a magnificent accolade and a testament to all of the hard work carried out in the partnership between us.

On Thursday 24th July on behalf of the Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Park, Paul McLoughlin attended the Awards Ceremony in Liverpool, then on Wednesday 3rd September, Julia Herold and Len Oatham attended the raising of the Green Flag in Lodge Farm Park.

Well done to all, and our sincere thank you to all the hard work carried out to achieve this very prestigious award. We look forward to maintaining this extremely high level of maintenance to ensure we are awarded the Green Flag for 2009!