Friday, 21 August 2009

2009 Quiz Night - Saturday, 26th September, 7.30pm

Quiz Night 2009 Poster

2009 Quiz Night - Saturday, 26th September, 7.30pm

The Friends of Raphael and Lodge Farm Parks are once again holding their annual quiz night:

Date: Saturday, 26th September, 7.30pm

Location: Lodge Farm Bowls Club, Lodge Farm Park, Carlton Road

Entrance Fee: Just £5 per person

Prizes - Licensed Bar - Bring your own food

Maximum of 10 people per table

Tickets from Len (01708) 742888

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Raphael Park Family Fun Day 2009 - A Great Day For All!

Dear Friends,

What a fantastic afternoon it was and even the weather was kind to us too!

As well as having a great time in the sun we managed to raise £730.00 for our lovely park!

But we didn't do this alone. We have so many people to thank:
  • The Mayor of Havering and Andrew Curtin who very kindly opened the Fun Day.
  • The Three Fabulous Bands who entertained us for the afternoon.
  • Nick & Annette Butterworth, who gave up their afternoon to thrill the children with their fabulous books.
  • Romford Summer Theatre for their impromptu performance.
  • The barbeque and cafe teams.
  • Everyone who helped to supervise the raffle and tombola stalls.
  • The volunteers who gave up their precious time to create leaflets and those who delivered them too.
  • The management team who made this wonderful day possible. Your commitment is to be commended. There were so many late nights and last minute calls to ensure the smooth running of the day.
  • A big thank you to everyone who very kindly donated money they raised on the day and to those who donated those fabulous prizes for our raffle and tombola, which were a great success.
  • A huge thank to A. C. Preou Limited for their continued, unwavering support.
  • Everyone else involved in the organising of the day.
And last, but certainly not least, a big, big thank-you to YOU! We were absolutely overwhelmed by your support and generosity. Please be assured that money raised will be put towards enhancing our parks facilities as well as ensuring future days can be held.

We are always open to suggestions from anyone to help make next year's event even more successful. Please send us your comments (good or bad) via our website at:

We will now focus our attention on our remaining events for this year, including our quiz night on Saturday, 26th September and possibly a Black Tie Christmas Ball held in Raphael Park in 2010.

Please let us know what you think and don't forget to watch our website for more details.

Once again, thank you all so much for making the whole day such a huge success.

Yours sincerely,

The Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks