Monday, 13 July 2009

Raphael Park - New Play/Activitiy Area

We're really excited to tell you all that work on a new play area for Raphael Park is due to start sometime around October, with works hopefully being completed just before the end of the year (this is just a rough estimate and not an official timeline).

The new play area will be in the same location where the current play area is today.

You can see the video below that shows the new play site design. There is an overview of the design and then individual examples of the activities. Check it out:

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Havering Playfest

Havering Playfest 09

4th August at Raphael Park

Arts, sport, theatre, music, dance, pet farm and a whole range of other activities for children aged 5 upwards and families at Havering's second annual great festival of play.

Supported by the Big Lottery Fund.

Free entry.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Raphael Park Family Fun Day - Just Two Weeks To Go!

Just two weeks to go! See below for the poster and more information...

From Events