Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks at Planet Havering - Monday 31st August 2009

This Sunday we were all at Planet Havering with our stall, which was beautifully constructed by Julia (left). We were in the corner between Friends of Cottons Park and Friends of Havering Country Park. The Essex Wildlife trust and Friends of Upminster Windmill were also in the marquee too.

The organisers couldn't have asked for a better day with the weather on Sunday - it was gloriously sunny.

We all took it in turns to greet members of the public throughout the day and answer any questions that they had. There were a few people who had heard of our parks but weren't sure where they were, so we helped with that; others enjoyed looking at the various leaflets on the stand as well as the selection of photographs.

We were glad that we could be there to help raise awareness of our parks and to meet with some of the other friends' groups.

Our next meeting - Monday 12th October 7.30 - 9pm, Romford Town Hall

Our next meeting will take place on:

Monday 12th October

7.30pm - 9pm

Romford Town Hall

Please come along to our meeting and support YOUR parks. We, together with Havering Park Services, wish to improve, protect and provide a safe and fun place for all to enjoy! We welcome anybody who is interested in helping us with our aims. The more support we have, the greater impact we can have as a group. We look forward to seeing you there, and if you are a regular, many, many thanks for your continued support.

Friday, 21 August 2009

2009 Quiz Night - Saturday, 26th September, 7.30pm

Quiz Night 2009 Poster

2009 Quiz Night - Saturday, 26th September, 7.30pm

The Friends of Raphael and Lodge Farm Parks are once again holding their annual quiz night:

Date: Saturday, 26th September, 7.30pm

Location: Lodge Farm Bowls Club, Lodge Farm Park, Carlton Road

Entrance Fee: Just £5 per person

Prizes - Licensed Bar - Bring your own food

Maximum of 10 people per table

Tickets from Len (01708) 742888

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Raphael Park Family Fun Day 2009 - A Great Day For All!

Dear Friends,

What a fantastic afternoon it was and even the weather was kind to us too!

As well as having a great time in the sun we managed to raise £730.00 for our lovely park!

But we didn't do this alone. We have so many people to thank:
  • The Mayor of Havering and Andrew Curtin who very kindly opened the Fun Day.
  • The Three Fabulous Bands who entertained us for the afternoon.
  • Nick & Annette Butterworth, who gave up their afternoon to thrill the children with their fabulous books.
  • Romford Summer Theatre for their impromptu performance.
  • The barbeque and cafe teams.
  • Everyone who helped to supervise the raffle and tombola stalls.
  • The volunteers who gave up their precious time to create leaflets and those who delivered them too.
  • The management team who made this wonderful day possible. Your commitment is to be commended. There were so many late nights and last minute calls to ensure the smooth running of the day.
  • A big thank you to everyone who very kindly donated money they raised on the day and to those who donated those fabulous prizes for our raffle and tombola, which were a great success.
  • A huge thank to A. C. Preou Limited for their continued, unwavering support.
  • Everyone else involved in the organising of the day.
And last, but certainly not least, a big, big thank-you to YOU! We were absolutely overwhelmed by your support and generosity. Please be assured that money raised will be put towards enhancing our parks facilities as well as ensuring future days can be held.

We are always open to suggestions from anyone to help make next year's event even more successful. Please send us your comments (good or bad) via our website at:

We will now focus our attention on our remaining events for this year, including our quiz night on Saturday, 26th September and possibly a Black Tie Christmas Ball held in Raphael Park in 2010.

Please let us know what you think and don't forget to watch our website for more details.

Once again, thank you all so much for making the whole day such a huge success.

Yours sincerely,

The Friends of Raphael & Lodge Farm Parks

Monday, 13 July 2009

Raphael Park - New Play/Activitiy Area

We're really excited to tell you all that work on a new play area for Raphael Park is due to start sometime around October, with works hopefully being completed just before the end of the year (this is just a rough estimate and not an official timeline).

The new play area will be in the same location where the current play area is today.

You can see the video below that shows the new play site design. There is an overview of the design and then individual examples of the activities. Check it out:

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Havering Playfest

Havering Playfest 09

4th August at Raphael Park

Arts, sport, theatre, music, dance, pet farm and a whole range of other activities for children aged 5 upwards and families at Havering's second annual great festival of play.

Supported by the Big Lottery Fund.

Free entry.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Raphael Park Family Fun Day - Just Two Weeks To Go!

Just two weeks to go! See below for the poster and more information...

From Events

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Raphael Park Family Funday - 3 weeks to go!

From Events

Raphael Park Family Fun Day - 12:00 - 17:00 on Sunday, 12th July

  • Arts & Craft stalls
  • Live Music from the bandstand
  • Food & Drink
  • Childrens Playground
  • Local community groups
  • Romford Summer Theatre
  • Lawn Tennis nets
  • Penalty Shootout
  • Bouncy Castle
  • Face painting
  • Tombola & Raffle
  • Book signing by Nick & Annette Butterworth; authors of Percy's Park & The Adventures of Jake
  • Plus lots more entertainment for adults and kids alike...

We look forward to seeing you and your family at noon when the Mayor of Havering will open the event!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Romford Summer Theatre - Romeo & Juliet - June 11, 12 and 13 and 18, 19 and 20, Raphael Park

From Romford Summer Theatre

Romford Summer Theatre will be performing Romeo and Juliet this year at the Rockery, Raphael Park, Romford.

Perfomance dates: June 11, 12 and 13 and 18, 19 and 20.

All performances start at 8pm. Tickets are £8 or £6 Concessions. Seats are allocated on a first come first served basis and there is no advance booking.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Raphael Park Family Fun Day - 12:00 - 17:00 on Sunday, 12th July

We are again hosting our ‘Raphael Park Family Fun Day’.

We have lots of activities and exhibits planned as well as live music.

Further information to follow.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Volunteers Needed

We are doing our best to keep up with all issues raised in our parks, but desperately need some volunteers to lighten the load. If we can spread the tasks among a larger number of volunteers our impact would be greater. If you are able to give up a few hours here and there we would really appreciate the help. Please either contact us through the website or email Julia on We thank you in anticipation.

Leaflet Delivery
We are looking for delivery to of leaflets to the South side of Gidea Park (LFP) and North of Gidea Park (RP)
Family Fun Day 2009
List of tasks available upon request.

Litter Collection

Further to points raised at our Annual General Meeting on the 1st April 2009, we would like to confirm that Havering Park Services will be increasing litter collections throughout the summer months.

Hopefully in the not too distant future we will see more lidded bins fitted in the parks to prevent small animals and birds removing litter from them.

We respectfully remind all park users to ensure they use bins provided, that doesn't include the birds and squirrels!

Our many thanks for your cooperation.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Offical Friends Group Status

Saturday 14th March 2009. We are delighted to announce that Friends of Raphael and Lodge Farm Park have achieved Official Friends Group Status from the London Borough of Havering.

The objective of the official status is to ensure Parks Services work more closely with Official Friends Groups. The status will be reviewed annually by Havering, and set criteria has to be met by us to attain our status. In return Havering will provide parks free of charge for official friends events, attend our meetings, provide assistance packages and annually agree at least one project.

Its official, together we can improve the standards of our parks.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Lake Clearing & Improvements - Flag Iris Planting

Flag Iris Baskets. You may have been wondering what has been planted in the Lake and by whom, well after many weeks of planning;

On 4th November 2008. Five Friends Volunteers gave up their Tuesday morning to help clear rubbish from the lake, silt trap, surrounding banks, and plant the Flag Iris's kindly donated Tracey & Ron Hayes.

The timing was perfect as the lake was extremely low due the lake edging works taking place, this was an ideal opportunity not to be missed.

We met with Graham Nicholson and Gary Storey of Haverings Grounds Maintenance Team, who had no qualms about jumping into the lake with Friends volunteer Brian Lee, Brian and the boys waded out into the lake and pulled out bikes, railings, cones and other general debris, infact almost filling the truck to the brim. Graham and Gary then went onto help for the rest of the day.

Len, Don and Brian prepared the inlet, ready for the baskets, which over time been naturally created by gradual bank erosion, Brian was the star jumping into the lake when needed. The baskets which were supplied by Nigel Oxley of Havering Culture and delivered by Geoff Pepper of Parks Services. Our many thanks for these.

Meanwhile, Tracey and Julia where at this time knee deep in another lake in Gidea Park collecting the Iris's, the GM Team were kind enough to collect the plants and deliver them to the Park ready for us to place them in the baskets. We loaded the baskets with rubble to prevent them from floating away once the lakes normal water level was achieved, we then carefully arranged the Iris's and covered with silt and other heavy organic matter to help see them through winter.

The day was a great success. We all worked as one great team, our most sincere thanks to the Volunteers, the Grounds Maintenance Team and Parks Services and of course those Kind Donations.

Monday 30th March 2009. Spring is here and we are delighted to see the Iris's have bedded-in well, and shoots are emerging from the lake, we should see beautiful yellow flowers this summer. We sincerely hope you enjoy them.

In the coming years once the Iris bed establishes itself, it will hopefully prevent further bank erosion and will provide a natural fish spawning ground and vital cover for the tiny fish once they hatch. It will also in time, provide a natural nesting place for the lakes Moore Hens and Coots.